Had by all today!!!
Joshua was ridden again today and worked very well... We are both beginning to remember where all of the buttons are!!!
Jack was also ridden and worked very well he doesnt seem to have forgotten a lot over his winter holidays.....
Millie worked very well on the long lines and seems to be enjoying life as a working girl.... I can't wait to reback her in a couple of weeks!!!!! ( for those of you who don't know, Millie is a 5yr old grey mare by cavalier two for joy)
p lunged Alfie and he went bizbo for 10 mins before normal service was resumed!!!
I have discovered I am a legend in the kitchen..... It has been a long time coming!!!!
Hope the rain stays away for the pointbto point tomorrow
So nice to have sane horses, ready to work even after a layoff. Nice work. Glad you got in the saddle again.